We are providing life skills training,, Academic excellence programs, Assessments & many more…
we are giving Employability skills development, Entrepreneurship development programs, Faculty development programs & many more…
We are providing tailor made training programs, Business development programs, fresher’s induction program…you name it, you get it right now.
We are supporting CSR activities of corporates & NGO’s in conducting training for rural students & many more…
We are giving training programs for government officials like Police officers, Teachers, Politicians on stress management, problem solving & many more…
We are helping organizations to build the most intangible assets of a firm “Brand”
Enteccon has done an excellent job in training inspectors and sub-inspectors police, Madurai District in the areas of “Stress management” and “problem solving”. I know it was an arduous task accomplished by you in completing the program. The feedback from officers was excellent and you have successfully captured the hearts of the police officers
Shri.V.Balakrishnan IPS Superintendent of Police,Madurai (2012-14)The program was quite impressive and I believe that at least five students every year who attend this program will turn up as successful entrepreneurs
Mr.Thambi Durai Member of parliament, India.The quality of their program delivery had been very impressive and student friendly. It is remarkable that several participants, who had struggled to get through in their earlier recruitment processes have been able to get placed after receiving Enteccon training
Dr.S.Balakrishnan Former Principal, Mepco schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi“Currently, We want engineers who can troubleshoot the real engineering problems and not the engineers who just stick to the theories, Enteccon did their best what was desired by me
Mr.Manohar Placement officer, PSNA College of Engineering, Dindigul